Mission: As a strategy to encourage more women to explore multiple creative disciplines, Jan co-founded the 501(c)3 non-profit United Divas, with a mission to empower women to be artistic leaders, innovators and role models.
Solution: Her organization brought creative professionals together as a community supporting the arts, with workshops and exhibitions that encouraged other women to pursue their creative goals.
Examples of workshops Jan planned and developed:
The non-profit operated for a decade, from 2001 – 2011. Their major achievements include giving away 3 arts scholarships to low-income college freshman, spotlighting over 44 women artists as “diva of the month”, hosting multi-media events in Los Angeles, New York City, Miami Beach & Jersey City as well as producing a special edition literary arts magazine called Shouted Whisper.
Below are examples of her branding, experience and marketing design for United Divas.